Completed low fidelity prototype

Finishing my low fidelity prototype

Finishing up the low fidelity prototype

I finally finished a low fidelity prototype, and it's working like it's supposed to. It responds to the commands: "go", "stop", "left", "right". The robot will respond accordingly to your spoken commands.

This has been quite a learning experience. I feel like I gained deeper knowledge in the world of machine learning and tinyML. In the next step, I need to finish the first version of my product By designing it in CAD software.

Next step: finishing an agile V1version of my product

Agile Feature Possibilities (following weeks):

  • Discovering accelerometer machine learning and applying it in a mini-game demo.
  • Discovering object detection with a camera module.
  • Discovering LCD modules
  • Discovering speaker modules and how to integrate it with machine learning
  • Discovering automatic edge detection with a neural network.

VideoLink of my current progress:

Machine learning

Personal opinion

This low fidelity phase really gave me a brief introduction of the possibilities of TinyML. Spoiler: You can do a lot with it! This is only the beginning of my learning experience and I'm really eager to learn more about this subject. This project really gives you lots of satisfaction. And it makes you work in an agile method.