Construction can begin!
It's under construction!
Our prototyping work is finally paying off. Every little prototype is added, except for the infrared sensor that needs to be added for edge detection. Last time, I made a CAD design. This week, I can see this CAD design come to reality.
This is the final result of the 3d print. This process took 2 days to complete. No faulty prints occurred.
When this process was done, I started removing the supports. And then the electronics phase could begin!
I started implementing the servo's (wheels) and the Arduino Uno, switches on the back, 9 volts battery. Next up we needed to add the brain that sents commands to the Arduino Uno via serial communication.
Serial communication is added, The robot can now respond to commands that it picks up and sent commands to the Arduino Uno! Now we needed to add more output modules such as a LCD module and a speaker module for some audio.
This phase had me thinking, how would I ever close this thing! By a miracle, it finally closed and it was good to go!
Here's a video that showcases the work so far!